Gingerbread Smoothie

With all the tempting treats on offer around the holidays, it can be hard to resist the temptation to overindulge. Satisfy your sweet tooth without wreaking havoc on your healthy eating goals by whipping up a holiday dessert-inspired smoothie instead.

With the arrival of December, we often look forward to celebrating the season with festive gatherings, good cheer, and tasty treats. Whether dainty or decadent, holiday desserts are sure to figure prominently in seasonal celebrations.
While they may be full of nostalgic memories, indulgent holiday desserts are also belly-busting culinary pitfalls full of empty calories, excess fat, and loads of refined sugar. While a sugary indulgence once in a while won’t tip the scales significantly, sometimes temptation at the holidays can be just too great.
So when the urge strikes for a treat, don’t turn on the oven. Instead, head over to your blender and whip up one of our dessert-inspired holiday smoothies. These delectable smoothies will not only satisfy your holiday sweet tooth, but also keep you energized and satisfied, and support your healthy eating goals moving into the New Year and beyond.

Holiday Smoothies

Gingerbread Smoothie

Peppermint Fudge Smoothie

Trifle Smoothie Bowl

Linzer Torte Smoothie

Sugar Cookie Smoothie

Level up

Supercharge your next smoothie and amp up your energy levels with one or more of these ingredients to help fuel yourself for the festive season ahead.

Leafy greens

Why? Leafy green vegetables contain a powerhouse of vitamins and minerals that will keep your energy levels up and running throughout the day.

Try: kale, collard greens, Swiss chard, spinach, parsley, romaine lettuce, cabbage, beet greens, or kelp

Citrus fruit

Why? Bursting with vitamin C, citrus fruits provide a natural energy boost as well as a good amount of fibre.

Try: blood orange, tangerine, clementine, pomelo, lime, lemon, or grapefruit


Why? Nuts are a good source of magnesium. This mighty mineral not only provides us with a good energy boost, but also plays an important role in our everyday overall health. Soaking them overnight in water before blending into your smoothie helps with digestion and can give your smoothie a better consistency.

Try: almonds, cashews, Brazil nuts, pecans, or walnuts


Why? Full of good fats, fibre rich, and blood sugar balancing, seeds pack a big punch in a tiny package.

Try: chia seeds, ground flaxseeds, or hemp hearts


Why? High in vitamin C, berries keep you feeling energized by boosting your immune system. They also contain other important nutrients such as fibre and folate, which are important for regular metabolic function.

Try: raspberries, blackberries, blueberries, cranberries, strawberries, or goji berries

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